02 July 2011

it hasn't thrown my gauge off

A few days ago I visited the bridal shop (for the third time in three weeks) and finally selected my wedding gown. The manager of the shop (a very outspoken woman - by the way) pestered me when I first arrived about my hesitation to select a dress.

"A man commits to the marriage when he buys the ring," she told me and my sister, "but a woman commits when she picks out a dress." I guess I agree with her, because over the past few days I've started to pull together all of the strings that will come together when G and I tie the knot this upcoming winter.

But don't worry folks, this isn't about to become a blog about my wedding. I just thought I'd share the news with you. I usually don't wear much jewelry, but I've finally gotten used to my engagement ring.

It hasn't had an effect on my knitting.

I've been working on the Aidez sweater. Only one more sleeve to go.

This 4th of July weekend G and I are camping out and having a bon fire with family and friends. I'm going to try to sneak some knitting into the mix, but I may have to set it aside and join in on some lawn games.

It will be waiting for me when I get home.

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