I'm going to call them chicken scratch socks, since I knit them the same time my brother and I were designing and building his chicken coop.
I've been busy with graduate school. I think this is the first time that I can report (since I started knitting five years ago) that I haven't picked up the needles in a week.
But I won't moan and groan, let me tell you about these socks. As I described in an earlier posting, the yarn I used is something I painted by hand one night at my knitting circle. The colors I choose remind me of a cob of Mandan Bride corn, so I gave the colorway that same name.
The stitch pattern is classic Elizabeth Zimmerman: her gull stitch pattern. I think it goes very well with the regular color pattern in the yarn. I wish I had enough of this yarn left to make one of her February Baby Sweaters.
This last photo is one of my favorites.
We just couldn't keep Jack out of the frame. He was curious as to why my sister was perched so precariously on the fence rail.
Jack has been pretty good about the chickens. We've finally gotten to the point where we let them roam around the barn yard.
I've seen him charge them a few times (for fun, I hope.) So far I haven't seen any feathers in his mouth.