Ever been there?
I have so much to do. So many things that I should do and many more things that I just want to do.
The lists go on and on. First there's the packing. I think I may have to sort through all the boxes that I've been storing in my parents sauna and actually (possibly) move them out. Turns out everyone would like to use that space again for its designed purpose.
Next, I need to sort through my many piles of books and decide which I actually want to haul down to the cities with me and which I'd rather not carry up three flights of stairs only to sit on my bookshelf all year.
The Jane Austen is coming.
More that just lists today, I actually have something to show: my finished After Hours Shawl by Cynthia Josepth and Briar Rose Fibers.
That's my mum as a model. We snapped these pictures in the pasture with her spring lambs. aren't they friendly? We noticed a phenomenon this year. After we separated them from their mothers, and after a few days of sad ba-baaing, the lambs became very curious and affectionate to us.
That's Tucker standing behind my mother in the top photo. He was trying to nibble on the fringes of the shawl.
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