I got some knitting done as well. Mountain Colors yarn looks gorgeous in any pattern, but I'm especially loving the way its coming together in this After Hours Shawl by Cynthia Joseph.
My sister and her husband came over this afternoon and we grilled out in the front yard. I made my first batch of pesto for the season and some homemade pasta.
The fields are bone dry around our farm. We need rain so badly my mother has started to supplement the sheep with hay because the pastures are drying out. We got a light sprinkle of rain this morning, but it wasn't enough to wet the ground beneath the trees.

The extended forecast is calling for some precipitation later on this week, I hope for the grass's sake (and our animals winter supply of hay) we get some.
As for some barn notes: my mother separated the ewes from their lambs this evening. For the past month it's been hilarious to watch them attempting to nurse on their mothers. They're so big they have to kneel down to get what they're after, while at the same time their mother is usually walking away or shrugging them off.
Our sheep tend to nurse very aggressively with lots of headbutts, which I don't think makes them endearing to their mothers at this point.

I guess the moral of this saga down at our barn this evening is that there are a lot of crying lambs and a half dozen very contented ewes chewing their cud.
P.S. this photo was taken earlier this spring. Here's the lambs when they were small and manageable. They're still not the size of their mother's, but they're handful enough.
Buck up, dearies.
That shawl is looking gorgeous! Hope you get some rain. The last few years we've had very dry conditions here in NC. Finally we've had sporadic rain this year and feel so lucky.