The wall of pictures behind our Christmas tree grows far faster than the presents stacked beneath it, which is very much in balance with how we see the holidays: as a time for family and friends.
Only a few more presentations and exams for me and then I'm off for the holidays to kick up my feet in the glittering snow (if we're lucky enough to get any here in Minnesota) and walk down the aisle at my wedding.
Lots of knitting to do. Lots of crafting, baking and gift-making.

My mother gave Garrett and I this owl ornament last season. She designed and made it herself. Each family got to choose their own ornament off of my parents' tree. I guess I always go for red.

Glass, glitter and candle light - what's on my coffee table at this very moment. Beside it is a steaming mug of mint tea and a soon-to-be finished sock for my soon-to-be husband.