31 May 2011

up a tree (with my knitting)

Summer is finally here. Yesterday the season arrived in Minnesota to stay for the duration. The morning started out with thunderstorms and hail, but then the temperatures started to rise, the sun burned through the hazy clouds and we were left with humidity.

I kept on thinking my tomatoes, basil, and especially peppers will love this weather, but I'm already looking for a nice shady spot to hide from this damp heavy heat.

I guess a treetop will do. In this image, however, it's my sister up the tree. I had her climb it so that I could take a few shots of these socks that I knit with yarn that I spun at Shepard's Harvest this year. I spun about 8 ounces over the weekend.

This colorway is called Gems. It's a blend of our mohair and combed top. The yarn that results from it is strong and glossy, perfect for socks. (At least I thought so.) My sister's feet look like two colorful birds up in that tree.

Birds flown up from the equator to enjoy the Amazonian heat that's settled over Minnesota.


  1. Just stumbled upon your blog while researching Romeldale sheep (we might be getting two lambs). I am really enjoying all your posts! Are you on Ravelry?

  2. I'm on Ravelry under the name tendrilandtwine.


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